In collaboration with GoodLife Fitness

GFLOW is a system management app designed to track levels of busyness, schedule workout times and more. 

Project Overview 

This project was an outcome of a 12 week assignment created for my Research and Innovation course in which we explored the relationship that  post-secondary students in Downtown Toronto have with personal fitness and its availability, accessibility and effectiveness. We define accessibility  as the availability, efficiency both in time and space, minimization of barriers to entry and the maximization of people's ability to use spaces and services. 

" How might we redesign fitness spaces/services so they are more accessible to post- secondary students in Downtown Toronto ? " 


12 weeks 


Theo Richardson - Industrial Designer 

Austin Mercieca - Industrial Designer 


Adobe XD 

Adobe Illustrator 

🔎 Research 

We conducted an extensive research based on our targeted audience them being University Students located in Downtown Toronto to do so we did various interviews, shadowing as well as observational research


Benefits of personal fitness: 

- Overall health 

- Improve focus 

- Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing 

Lack of 

- Accessibility 

- Effectiveness 

- Efficiency 

Based on 

- Our personal experiences 

- Conversations with peers 

- User Research 

🗒 Discoveries 

Based on our user research methods 

We were able to to code our date into 3 categories of activity/routine, thoughts/experiences and quantitative data. 


Routines of interviewees and the type of activities they engage in.

Thoughts and experiences: 

The opinions, thoughts, feelings and experiences of interviewees during their fitness routines. 

Quantitative Data: 

The number of times per week and hours per week of fitness engaged in. 

We then made a table of thematic coding that summarized these results:

Insight - Driven Personas 

💡 Ideation and Synthesis 

From here we synthesized the pain point of our interviewees and personas down to 3 categories: busyness, scheduling and cost.

With these pain points in mind, we began our ideation process. These preliminary ideations sought to eliminate or diminish busyness, scheduling conflicts and the costs of gym memberships. 

As a group we then settled on the concept of an app for the management of the systems and services offered in a gym and tailored the idea direction to GoodLife Fitness. GoodLife is the gym that many f our interviewees go to and its the common choice of gym for students. 

User Flow 

Preview of screen examples 

Through our user research we recognized the young students interacting with our product would also be interacting with their phones anywhere, any time.  Our end goal was to create a system that was accessible, GFlow would accompany you through out your whole routine or even before. 


Track Busyness 

GoodLife Flow allows members to view real time statistics about the busyness of the gym.

Members can plan their workout around the busyness of the gym or reserve a workout time on a number of machines.

This is represented through circular graphs and bar graphs that correspond to time of day on a slider menu.

“I don't like going to the gym at like the after work or the lunchtime rush because it's, it's just harder to use equipment and I also don't like being like, pressed up against people when you're exercising, it's just gross.”


Reserve Workouts 

In the “Reserve Workout Time” section of the app, the user first selects the desired time and day for their workout.

The user also has the option to reserve equipment in this section of the app. Once equipment is reserved, a pathway through the gym to the equipment is laid out for the user.


Discount Menu

This slider menu is used to access the discounts offered in GoodLife Flow.

Categories of discount are:

Downtime Discount

Seniors Discount

Youth Discount

Next Steps 

Scaled up

- Beyond gyms

- More applications for

system management


- Observing use of app

- Maintaining functionality


- New problems, new


Using Format